king of Man
in the Irish Sea
the assassin cracked the rack
sinking stripes in the right side pocket.
blue dots
where the cue stick struck
matched her mascara
her opponent’s
attention she owned
like a material thing
of ephemeral value
and persistent weight,
his best bet
always this moment
holding ruin at bay
in the trunk
when she finished
he fit into a suitcase that did not say assassin on the tag
during her trial, nobody spoke the word assassin
assassins she met would not recognize a fellow assassin
technically, according to the OED, she would not qualify as an assassin.
but you
sure did look
like a senator, she said,
regarding the impetuous bangs
that framed
his bloody face.
she hated labels anyway
To convey the image
balls deep in dismembermentHe must have made it past algebra
the indecent parableshe mounts a basket of fruit
above the love seat
for every hit
that knocked you out.
when a pear from basket #1 rots he drops it
into a mason jar
of 151 and labels it Goodnight.
hit me three times
you’d holler.
and he would give it to you.
while the rest of the band
talked about how silence is music too
The cold broke this morning.
he purchased new socks for the trip