Sunday, December 10, 2017

a brief literary reckoning

Larry McMurtry and John Graves made me wish I were Texan.
Flannery O'Connor and Franz Kafka reveal the true filth underneath.
A Moveable Feast qualified my desire:
even if I never create, I will surround myself in a wilderness of those who do.
Breece DJ Pancake and Dorothy Allison confided that my people were worth writing about. 
William Least Heat Moon got me off my ass and on the road.
Cormac McCarthy taught me poetry isn't poems, but still every line counts.
Sam Shepard made punk swing country-western.
And Celine, god bless him, saved me from being just another Bukowski-loving drunk.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the references and I smiled to myself when I thought of how each author suits you, although I do not know Celine. Isn't it remarkable how having a susceptibility to literature can change our lives and ourselves?
